Good Neighbor Environmental Board

The Good Neighbor Environmental Board (GNEB) is an independent federal advisory committee established in 1992. Its mission is to advise the President and Congress of the United States advise the President and the Congress about environmental and infrastructure issues along the U.S. border with Mexico. Board membership includes representatives from appropriate U.S Government agencies; the governments of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas; and private organizations, including community development, academic, health, environmental, and other non-governmental entities with experience and expertise on environmental and infrastructure problems along the southwest border.

Paul Ganster, Director of IRSC, was named by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy as Chair of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board in June 2015. This position is a presidential appointment and Ganster previously served as chair of GNEB from 2004 to 2010.

For more information on GNEB, including board membership and reports, visit their website.


GNEB submits an annual report to the President and Congress as well as occasional letters on timely issues.

The 19th report of GNEB, Energy Production, Transportation and Demand in the Transborder Region: Opportunities and Impacts, was released in December 2019. In this report, the Board addresses the dynamic energy sector in the U.S.-Mexico border region that is driv­en by increased energy production in the U.S. border states, growing energy trade across the border with Mexico and uncertainty regarding Mexico’s energy policies under President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. GNEB 19th Report.
The 18th report of GNEB, Environmental Quality and Border Security: A 10-Year Retrospective was released in September 2017. This report revisits the issue of environmental protection and security along the border our country shares with Mexico, which the Board first addressed a decade ago in its 10th Report, Environmental Protection and Border Security on the U.S.-Mexico Border. GNEB 18th Report.
The 17th report of GNEB was released in December 2016 and is on Climate Change and Resilient Communities Along the U.S.-Mexico Border: The Role of Federal Agencies: GNEB 17th Report.
The 2015 report, in the form of an advice letter, addresses climate change issues and border communities: GNEB December 2015 Advice Letter.